Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Page 10 Process: Base Inks

Here's an image of the 'first step' of my inks.  I basically just get all the lines down before blocking in major blacks.  Depending on what the black spotting is doing, I may just lay it in as I drop the linework in (i.e. shadows on clothes/hair).  I guess it depends on my mood?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Page 10 Process: Beginning

Here's a webcam photo of page 10 of my senior project.  This is what my finished pencils look like right before I put ink to paper.  I add cleaned up word balloons and text in photoshop before printing the pencils out again and adding additional details in pencil.  The font I'm using for the dialogue is called Mighty Zeo Capitols.  I got it from one of the free font sites.  The shape and visual characteristics of the letters fit with the feeling of the story and complimented the font face used for the title.

The next post will be a 50% done inks photo.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Say 'Hello' to the Hero

Here's a sketch of the main character of OcculTango.
He's shirtless because I can.
I might finish this one day when I feel like I have free time.

He's supposed to be of Korean descent.
Sometimes he looks it, other times, not as much, haw.

I sketch in blue pencil, so that's why everything is going to be blue.